

我院2017级应用经济学专业研究生缪珊珊,在导师徐雷教授指导下,于SCI期刊《Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy》发表论文“Energy-environmental efficiency of clean energy in China: Integrated analysis with regional green growth”,文章结合区域绿色增长综合分析探讨了清洁能源的能源环境效率,并由美国物理研究所(American Institute of Physics)出版。
这是云顶国际唯一官方网站继徐雷教授指导的首个研究生,即2016级研究生唐诗韵在SCI一区期刊《Annals of Operations Research》成功发表论文后,云顶国际唯一官方网站的研究生再次成功发表SCI期刊论文。

论文摘要:Green growth has become an increasingly important paradigm for promoting economic growth, resources development and environmental protection in a sustainable manner. A shift from the utilization of fossil energy to clean energy is currently a main issue in energy led green growth. Such sustainable resource development under green growth should measure both of the energy and environmental efficiency. As the largest energy consumer and carbon emitter worldwide, China’s energy and environmental issues have deteriorated in recent years, while its regional performance regarding green growth is not well assessed. The green growth assessment integrated with evaluation for energy-environmental efficiency of clean energy is accordingly considered. This paper proposed an integrated analysis with a PCA-DEA based approach. Corresponding results characterized that China’s green growth shows a significant increasing trend in recent years, but overall it is still at a low level. The imbalance in China’s regional economic development is also reflected in green growth. But the excellent development and utilization of clean energy in most regions has greatly promoted the continuous improvement of China’s green growth. Importantly, sustainable resource development and utilization has significant contribution to green growth in the long-term. Green growth also puts new demands on the sustainable resources development in China. The underdeveloped regions with sustainable resource endowments should develop new industrial systems with clean energy as the main axis, while developed regions develop high-end industries with low energy consumption, which enable a mutua support between regions and form an optimized sustainable resource development and green growth pattern.


引文方式:Xu L, Miao S, Deng Y, et al. Energy-environmental efficiency of clean energy in China: Integrated analysis with regional green growth[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2020, 12(2).