

讲座主题:Travel  and Transformation in the Digital Age (数字时代的旅行与变革)

报告人:Dr  Garth  Lean, Lecturer in Geography and Urban Studies, School of Social Sciences and  Psychology, Western Sydney University Garth  Lean博士,澳大利亚西悉尼大学社会科学和心理学学院讲师)

报告时间:20171124周五)上午1000  1130




Travel  has a long association with personal transformation. Historian Eric Leed (1991:  26) argues that throughout history departure has offered people an opportunity  to remove themselves from a  defining social and cultural matrix. Bodily  relocation has traditionally enabled the alteration of a reality-confirming  amalgam of roles, performances, relationships, expectations, objects, languages,  symbols and sensual experiences, located within ones usual  place of residence. And it is believed that these altered social and cultural  contexts hold the potential to bring about all manner of personal  transformations for travellers. However, in a modern, mobile world, where  digital technologies, growing flows of peoples and globalization make  familiarity increasingly present and the unfamiliar more  accessible, the opportunities physical travel once provided to distance  ourselves from our defining social and cultural contexts are arguably less  available. As a consequence, personal transformation through travel is often  thought to be less probable. Drawing upon 13 years of research investigating  travel and transformation, this seminar will reflect upon what it means to  transform through travel in a digitally connected mobile world. It will explore  the types of personal transformation travellers  experience, and consider the various factors that influence these  transformations. The paper will illustrate how physical travel experiences  become entwined in the life-course, being influenced by (and in-turn  influencing) all manner of other life experiences. The seminar will close by  observing opportunities for collaborative research between China and Australia,  based upon recent research looking at the transformative experiences of Asian  working holiday makers in Australia. This includes investigations of new forms  of travel and tourism between the two nations (and their various impacts), and  the potential of digital technologies to better foster social and cultural  connections.

 旅行与个人转变有着长期的联系。历史学家Eric  Leed199126)认为,在整个历史进程中,人们都有机会从一个明确的社会和文化母体中摆脱自己。传统上,人身迁移使现实生活中的角色、表演、关系、期望、对象、语言、符号和感官体验发生了改变。人们相信,这些改变的社会和文化背景有可能为旅行者带来各种各样的个人转变。然而,在现代,移动世界,在数字技术、民族和全球化不断发展的流动使熟悉日益呈现和“陌生”更方便,一次旅行的机会提供给自己的身体从我们定义的社会和文化背景的距离可以说是不可用的。因此,通过旅行进行个人改造通常被认为是不太可能的。通过13年的调查旅行和转变的研究,本次讲座将反映在一个数字连接的移动世界中通过旅行改变意味着什么。它将探讨个人转换旅行者的经验类型,并考虑影响这些转换的各种因素。本文将说明如何成为体育旅游体验缠绕在生命过程中,受(反过来影响)所有其他的生活经验。讲座将由中国和澳大利亚之间的密切合作研究观察的机会,根据最近的研究,在澳大利亚的亚洲打工度假者变革的经验。这包括调查两国之间的新形式的旅行和旅游(及其各种影响),以及数字技术更好地促进社会和文化联系的潜力。


Dr  Garth Lean is a Lecturer in Geography and Urban Studies in the School of Social  Sciences and Psychology at Western Sydney University. His research and writing  primarily investigate experiences of travel in a modern, mobile world. He is the  lead researcher of the Transformative Travel Research Project  (www.transformativetravel.com) and co-lead of TinDA (Travel in the Digital Age)  (www.tindaproject.com). Garth has published a variety of papers on travel,  tourism and mobilities, along with the monograph Transformative Travel in a  Mobile World (CABI Books, 2016), and the edited volumes Travel and  Representation (Berghahn, 2017), Travel and Imagination (Ashgate, 2014) and  Travel and Transformation (Ashgate, 2014). He is Vice President of The  Geographical Society of New South Wales and a member of the Geographies of  Leisure and Tourism Research Group with the Royal Geographical Society.  

Garth  Lean博士是澳大利亚西悉尼大学社会科学和心理学学院讲师,研究领域为地理学和城市研究。他的研究和写作主要考察了在现代移动世界中旅行的经历。他是转型旅游研究项目的首席研究员(www.transformativetravel.com)和TinDA共同领导(数字时代的旅行)(www.tindaproject.com)。Garth发表的各种论文在旅行、旅游和迁移率,随着移动世界的专著变革旅行(CABI的书籍,2016),和编辑卷旅行和表示(Berghahn2017),旅游和想象力(阿什盖特,2014)和旅游转型(阿什盖特,2014)。他是新南威尔士地理学会副主席,也是皇家地理学会休闲与旅游研究组的成员。

