

我院2019级研究生颜大为与导师罗航教授合作撰写的论文“Blockchain architecture and its applications in a bank risk mitigation framework”在SSCI二区期刊Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja上发表。该刊由Taylor & Francis出版集团Routledge出版社出版,五年影响因子3.065,在376部入选SSCI的经济学类期刊中排名97位。


This study proposes a simple two-period model to consider consumersborrowing behaviour in a decentralised consensus and information distribution platform. Based on this model, we develop a bank risk mitigation framework and find that decentralised digital identity and encryption technology are the most important factors for attaining market equilibrium between decentralised consensus and information distribution. Specifically,the greater the scope of digital identity construction and the more blockchain consensus records there are, the less likely the borrower will default. Our study provides meaningful practical implications for bankers and policy regulators to help them better understand consumers borrowing behaviour and decisions to default.


Hang (Robin) Luo & Dawei Yan (2021): Blockchain architecture and its

applications in a bank risk mitigation framework, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, DOI:
