



2018.07—2019.02 四川省科学技术厅 2019.03—至今 西华大学云顶国际唯一官方网站


2015.09 至—2018.06, 西南财经大学, 数理金融学, 博士




[1]Jiangming Ma, Di Gao and Jing Sun. Does ESG performance promote total factor productivity? Evidence from China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022. (SCI) 

[2]Jiangming Ma and Di Gao. The Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Partnership on Bank Loans: Evidence from Chinese-Listed Firms. Sustainability. 2023, 15, 4843. (SSCI) 

[3] Di Gao, Xiang Zhang, Xinyi Zhang, Jiangming Ma. Environmental regulation: An enhancing or burden for social welfare and public health? Journal of Cleaner Production. 2024. (SCI,通讯作者)

[4]Di Gao, Yuan Zhao and Jiangming Ma. How Does Supply Chain Information Disclosure Relate to Corporate Investment Efficiency? Evidence from Chinese-Listed Companies. Sustainability. 2023. (SSCI,通讯作者)

[5]Jiangming Ma and Xiankang Luo.  Optimal liquidation behaviour analysis for stochastic linear and nonlinear systems of self-exciting model with decay. Complexity. 2021.08(SCI)

[6]Jiangming Ma,Muhammad Aslam Noor and Khalida Inayat Noor. Generalized Higher Order Preinvex Functions and Equilibrium-like Problems. 2021.09. (SCI)

[7]Jiangming Ma and Di Gao. A Class of Optimal Liquidation Problem with a Nonlinear Temporary Market Impact. Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2020.12(SCI)

[8]Jiangming Ma, Zheng Yin, and Hongjing Chen. A class of Optimal portfolio liquidation problems with a linear decreasing impact.Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2017.4(SCI)

[9]Di Gao, Jiangming Ma and Yiru Wang. Does the risk of major customer need to be balanced? The role of customer concentration in corporate governance. 2021.09(SCI, 通讯作者)

[10]Di Gao, Zhaohui Hao, Jiangming Ma , Huanyu He , and Meng Li. The Impact and Stability Analysis of Commercial Banks’ Risk Preference on SMEs’ Credit Financing Based on DSGE Model. Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2021.04(SCI)

[11]Xiankang Luo,Peimin Chen  and Jiangming Ma. The optimal dividend payout model with terminal values and its application. Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2017.04(SCI)

[12]Meng Li, Yong Chen, Jiangming Ma, Yuezhi Liu. Reduced-order-asynchronous-based control for nonlinear jump networked systems with attacks. Information Sciences. 2021.07(SCI)









[8] 四川省软科学,2021JDR0222成渝双城经济圈金融一体化建设的科技金融支持政策研究》,主研。



